Bringing Your Stories to Life through Premium Podcast Production

Hi! I’m Tyler, an LA-based audio and podcast producer, journalist, documentarian, and sound artist with 10 years of experience in the podcast and public radio industries. In the past, I’ve worked at NPR headquarters in Washington, DC, where I honed my skills on shows with millions of listeners like “Morning Edition” and “All Things Considered.” I’ve also done work for NPR member stations in my home states of Colorado and California. And I created, reported, produced, and hosted the hit show “Lost Highways” for the Colorado State Historical Society, which was funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

I have executed and overseen every aspect of production from start to finish, both creative and operational. I am a classic soup-to-nuts producer with a proven track record working at the highest levels of the industry.

I can work with you from the initial concept and development to in-depth research, guest booking, conducting compelling interviews, and every stage of audio production, cleanup, sound design, mixing, mastering, and publishing. I also handle distribution, publishing, and the creation of engaging social media clips to amplify your reach. Need a host? I can step into that role too, bringing a personal touch to your podcast.

I specialize in turning podcasts into powerful storytelling tools. While my expertise primarily lies in educational content, nonprofit work, journalism, and wellness/therapy, my skills are not confined to these fields. I am passionate about helping any business that aims to make a positive impact on the world. If you’ve got a story to tell, work you’d like to highlight, people you’d like to inspire and inform, people in your industry you’d like to interview, or engaged audiences you’d like to reach, let’s talk.

I have a deep love and understanding of audio as a medium for both storytelling and education, and I bring a unique perspective to my work as a non-binary 2nd generation Southeast Asian immigrant with an eclectic taste in audio storytelling, from the low-brow to the avant-garde. Let’s make something together!